How to Install an Air Ionizer in a Car or RV Safely

Installing an air ionizer in your car or RV is not recommended due to their potential to pollute the air and cause health risks. Learn how to install an air ionizer safely with Smart Air.

How to Install an Air Ionizer in a Car or RV Safely

Air purifiers with UV lights and ionizers are not recommended for cars due to their potential to pollute the air and cause health risks. The function of an air ionizer is to release negatively charged particles that are then attracted to and bind to the positively charged particles in the room. Fortunately, there's no need to buy an air purifier specifically marketed as a “car air purifier” — any HEPA filter will do. If you're most concerned about allergens, a good HEPA cabin air filter or any cabin air filter with a sufficiently constricting filter medium is best.

It's a small area, so even the most common air purifiers shouldn't have a problem circulating the air several times an hour. Today's air ionizers are often equipped with ozone sensors that help control, suppress, and prevent high levels of ozone from leaking into the air we breathe. Some critics believe that air ionizers emit dangerous levels of ozone, which are not only harmful to the environment, but can also be just as hazardous to health. When installing an air ionizer in your car or RV, it's important to remember that they can be expensive and may pose additional health risks.

However, if you have a cabin air filter capable of filtering recirculated air, you can improve the quality of the air inside your vehicle by regularly installing a new HEPA filter or carbon-impregnated filter. Smart Air is a certified B company that is committed to combating the myths used by large companies to inflate the price of clean air. They offer simple and practical air purifiers and provide free education to protect people from harm from air pollution. Installing an air ionizer in your car or RV is not recommended due to their potential to pollute the air and cause health risks.

Smart Air is a certified B company that provides simple and practical solutions for clean air at an affordable price.

Alec Jergenson
Alec Jergenson

Avid zombie geek. Lifelong internet practitioner. Freelance coffee evangelist. Subtly charming social media scholar. Infuriatingly humble beeraholic.

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